Roasted Chick Peas is the simple fluffy yellow Chick Peas with the known black spots, which is obtained by the double baking it is subjected to. The Chick Peas are great snacks for those who watch their diet because they are low in calories but rich in vitamins and protein. They also have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties and are a good source of carbohydrates and fiber.
You can consume them in combination with dried fruits (eg raisins or figs) or other nuts. Add them to yoghurt or vegetable salads to make them crisper. In addition, mix them with your pasta, thus increasing their nutritional value or use them as a pastry candy instead of nuts (saving many calories). Finally, you can grind them in the blender and add them to soups to squeeze or in bread dough, pies, pizzas, biscuits etc. or even in the tahini.
The company's double-headed company is divided as well as fluffy in various categories according to its size. The company provides salted and unsalted versions