Sunflower is a snack known to accompany our time in front of television, however it offers us several important benefits to have good health.
Initially, the sunflower content of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids helps to reduce "bad" cholesterol, thus protecting the health of the heart. It also has a very high vitamin E content that prevents cardiovascular disease, and because it is a good source of magnesium it helps to relax the nerves, thus avoiding migraines, nervousness and fatigue. It also contains selenium, which is associated with reducing the incidence of cancer in our body because it strengthens our immune system.
Finally it is a very good source of calcium, iron and phosphorus, elements that offer protection from osteoporosis and anti-aging.
Sunflower can be consumed raw or baked with salt and unsalted.
Also from its seeds is produced the sunflower oil, used in cooking, while its seeds are used in salads, in food, but also in various cookies and breads with sunflower seeds.
The origin of the sunflower processed by the company comes exclusively Greece and China. The dish of cooked sunflower seeds is made in salted and unsalted form, with the latter continuously expanding its share of consumer preferences.