Pumpkin Seed Crumb China
The Pumpkin Seed contains a high percentage of proteins and the highest iron content of any other type of seed. It also contains zinc, copper, manganese and phosphorus.
In addition, it has vitamins E, K and some of the B complex vitamins, such as folic acid. Pumpkin seeds are one of the best sources of magnesium, which helps to relax and lower the pressure, and also contains phytosterols that inhibit the growth of cancer in the intestine, breasts and prostate.
They also renew and nourish the skin while maintaining firmness while helping skin cells to regenerate faster. Finally, because of the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, it offers anti-inflammatory action and protects the joints when we are exercising.
Based on all of the above, consume it, especially raw, in your different preparations and you will not miss !!!