Black raisins - like the ςηιτε- come from the dried grape but they have thicker and darker color. Today, raisin is considered one of the most nutritious plant foods, just needs attention to its consumption because it has many calories.
Black raisin, because of its high fiber content, helps with constipation, while the iron it contains helps people with anemia.
While it does not contain much calcium, it protects good bone health because it contains boron.
Finally,it offers protection against dental plaque and dental caries and because of an amino acid containing it increases the sexual mood !!! However,be careful if you are a person suffering from bleeding disorders because black raisin affects blood clotting. In addition, due to this, it is advisable to avoid also those who are preparing for surgery.
You can consume it fresh as a fruit or use it for making nuts, bread cakes, or other pastries and salty preparations.